TocCyclopédie ■ Époques
La liste complète de toutes les cartes COCCcg

(version imprimable en PDF + version RTF)

Raretés: C = courante - U = inhabituelle - R = rare

Zargl21, investigateur de l'impossible, avec l'accord de Fantasy Flight Games, vous offre la traduction française des règles du jeu:

Toutes les cartes

Arkham Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Arkham Edition (fixed) [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Promo Card [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Unspeakable Tales [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Arkham Premium [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Conspiracies Of Chaos [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Dunwich Denizens [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Kingsport Dreams [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Spawn of Madness [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Eldritch Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Eldritch Premium [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Forbidden Relics [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Forgotten Cities [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Masks of Nyarlathotep [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Premiere [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]

Nom de la carte

.45 Pistols

..::Arkham Edition::..

C217 [Support]
Attachment. Item.
Attach to a character.
Attached character gains a icon.
Andrew Johansen

45 Pistols



607 Water Street

..::Asylum Pack - Kingsport Dreams::..


A Cospiracy of Scholars

..::Asylum Pack - Conspiracies Of Chaos::..


A Grand Aquatic Destiny

..::Forbidden Relics::..


A Higher Purpose

..::Unspeakable Tales::..

C135 [Support]
Attach to a character.
Attached character gets +3 skill.
What was there to fight for anymore? He knew the answer, even if he could never explain it.
Tyler Walpole

A Noxious Birth

..::Forgotten Cities::..


A Single Glimpse

..::Eldritch Edition::..


A Single Glimpse

..::Eldritch Premium::..


A Time to Reap

..::Unspeakable Tales::..

C116 [Event]
Action: refresh all Domains.
"It is the cycle of the Mother," Lily told her sisters.
"First, the time of sowing, and then the time of growth. The harvest is upon us now, but after this comes the burning, and those who are not ready shall be consumed."
Jean Tay

A Time to Sow

..::Unspeakable Tales::..

R117 [Event]
Action: destroy all Encounter characters. Then, put A Time to Sow and all copies of this card in your discard pile into play, each as a Cark Young character with 2 skill and a icon. At the end of the phase, sacrifice all copies of A Time to Sow.

A Turn for the Worse

..::Promo Card::..



..::Eldritch Edition::..


Absent-Minded Accountant

..::Forgotten Cities::..


Abysses of Night

..::Eldritch Edition::..


Abysses of Night

..::Eldritch Premium::..


Academic Conference

..::Forbidden Relics::..


Academy Art Retreat

..::Eldritch Edition::..


Academy of the Mad

..::Arkham Edition::..

C144 [Support]
(coût: 1)
Academy of the Mad enters play exhausted.
Action: exhaust to lower the cost of the next character you play this phase by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Jarno Kantelinen

Academy of the Mad



Academy Patron

..::Arkham Edition::..

C122 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 1)
Action: exhaust to choose and ready a character.
Guy Gentry

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