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Arkham Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Arkham Edition (fixed) [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Promo Card [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Unspeakable Tales [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Arkham Premium [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Conspiracies Of Chaos [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Dunwich Denizens [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Kingsport Dreams [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Spawn of Madness [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Eldritch Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Eldritch Premium [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Forbidden Relics [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Forgotten Cities [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Masks of Nyarlathotep [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Premiere [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]

Nom de la carte

Arkham Edition

From Beneath

..::Arkham Edition::..

R200 [Event]
(coût: 4)
Play during your operations phase.
Action: destroy all support cards.
Jesper Ejsing


..::Arkham Edition::..

R008 [Character]
(coût: 6) (compétence: 6)
Heroic. Toughness +3. Willpower.
The man looked like a Jersey bull in a tight gray suit. Then the rest of the herd climbed out of the car, and Norman realized how high the stakes really were.

Steve Ellis

Gangster's Moll

..::Arkham Edition::..

R073 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 3)
Action: pay 2 to give each character controlled by an opponent -1 skill until the end of the phase.

Anders Finer

Gathering at the Stones

..::Arkham Edition::..

U167 [Event]
(coût: 2)
Play during your operations phase.
Action: choose a card in your discard pile and put it into your hand.
Shane Watson

Gentleman's Club

..::Arkham Edition::..

U225 [Support]
(coût: 2)
Action: exhaust and pay 2 to draw a card.
Tabitha Heidkamp


..::Arkham Edition::..

R124 [Character]
(coût: 1) (compétence: 1)
While Ghost is committed to a story, it gains Invulnerability.
Good lord - that pale figure, that breath of foul air! Was this the spirit of the man I had called a friend? There was no friendship in him now.
Steve Ellis

Ghoul Warrens

..::Arkham Edition::..

U226 [Support]
(coût: 1)
Attachment. Location.
Attach to a story card.

Torstein Norstrand

Glasser Art Gallery

..::Arkham Edition::..

U145 [Support]
(coût: 1)
Action: exhaust to choose an opponent. Look at that opponent's hand.
Bob Stevlic

Grizzled Vet

..::Arkham Edition::..

R009 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 2)
While it is Day, Grizzled Vet does not exhaust when committing to a story.

Steve Ellis

Guardian Elder Thing

..::Arkham Edition::..

U155 [Character]
(coût: 5) (compétence: 3)
Toughness +2.
While Guardian Elder Thing is committed to a story, it gains: "Action: pay 2 to wound all characters committed to this story."

James Ryman

Hair of the Worm

..::Arkham Edition::..

U014 [Event]
(coût: 1)
Disrupt: cancel a card effect that would cause an character to go insane.
Alan Dillingham

Hardboiled Detective

..::Arkham Edition::..

C010 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 2)
Heroic. Fast. Loyal.
Hank was different after his time in the military. He talked less, drank more, and always asked for the tough assignments.

Roberto Marchesi


..::Arkham Edition::..
The King in Yellow

R121 [Character]
(coût: 6) (compétence: 6)
Ancient One.
Villainous. Loyal. Toughness +4.
Action: pay 3 to choose a character. That character goes insane.

Camille Kuo

Haunted Graveyard

..::Arkham Edition::..

U174 [Support]
(coût: 2)
Attachment. Location.
Attach to a story card.

Roberto Marchesi

Haunter of the Dark

..::Arkham Edition::..

U095 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 1)
While it is Night, Haunter of the Dark gains .
Roberto Marchesi

Helpless, Hopeless, and Doomed

..::Arkham Edition::..

C107 [Event]
(coût: 2)
Action: destroy all Attachment cards.
There was nothing left even to burn or bury.
Thomas Denmark

High Priest of Hastur

..::Arkham Edition::..

R125 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 3)
Action: spend 5 and sacrifice High Priest of Hastur to copy and enact the effects of a story card in play.

Guy Gentry

High Priest of the Key

..::Arkham Edition::..

R157 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 2)
Action: pay 2 and sacrifice a Cultist character to choose and wound a character.

Chris Dien

Hired Muscle

..::Arkham Edition::..

C011 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 3)
Toughness +1.
"I work for Harvey Blackwood," he grunted.
"Harvey's gone, but I'm his son. You want to work for the Blackwood Agency, you can work for me."

Steve Ellis

Hired Mystic

..::Arkham Edition::..

R065 [Character]
(coût: 3)
The boys didn't know what to make of O'Bannion's friend from out of town, but they knew better than to make him angry.

Patrick McEvoy

Hit List

..::Arkham Edition::..

U089 [Support]
(coût: 2)
Response: after an opponent's character is destroyed, pay 1 to draw a card.
Patrick McEvoy

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