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Arkham Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Arkham Edition (fixed) [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Promo Card [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Unspeakable Tales [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Arkham Premium [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Conspiracies Of Chaos [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Dunwich Denizens [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Kingsport Dreams [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Asylum Pack - Spawn of Madness [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Eldritch Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Eldritch Premium [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Forbidden Relics [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Forgotten Cities [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Masks of Nyarlathotep [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
Premiere [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]

Nom de la carte

Arkham Edition

Clover Club Bouncer

..::Arkham Edition::..

C061 [Character]
(coût: 1) (compétence: 1)
Action: exhaust to choose a character. Until the end of the phase, that character gets -1 skill.
Patrick McEvoy


..::Arkham Edition::..

C137 [Event]
(coût: 2)
Action: choose a character with skill 2 or lower. That character goes insane.
"Ms. Glasser's been real good to us. She visits every Sunday, and sometimes brings us paint. But she won't talk about the party, or the thing flapping on the roof."
Roberto Marchesi

Daughter of the Goat

..::Arkham Edition::..

C184 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 2)
His wife, he told me, would often not come home at night, but the next morning would return wild-eyed, smelling of earth and the pungent scent of beasts.

Linda Bergkvist

Degenerate Ghoul

..::Arkham Edition::..

C185 [Character]
(coût: 1)
We had disturbed something with our light. I caught a glimpse of a rubbery, canine face-and then the thing was gone, with a scuttle of bones and a heavy thump as poor Martin's body hit the floor.

Thomas Denmark


..::Arkham Edition::..

C076 [Event]
Action: choose a character committed to a story. Until the end of the phase, that character gets +4 skill.
Bob Stevlic

.45 Pistols

..::Arkham Edition::..

C217 [Support]
Attachment. Item.
Attach to a character.
Attached character gains a icon.
Andrew Johansen

Discreet Physician

..::Arkham Edition::..

C063 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 1)
Action: exhaust to choose a character. Until the end of the phase, that character gains an icon.
Anders Finer

Elder Shoggoth

..::Arkham Edition::..

C094 [Character]
(coût: 4) (compétence: 3)

Guy Gentry

Eldritch Nexus

..::Arkham Edition::..

C235 [Event]
(coût: 1)
Action: gain a Domain, then attach the top card of your deck to it as a resource.
Matthew Dixon


..::Arkham Edition::..

C034 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 3)
"Professor, will you come into my office for a minute?"
"I'm just heading to class."
"I think you'll want to see this. They found it at the shore, but I don't think you could quite call it aquatic."

Anders Finer

Fire Vampire Swarm

..::Arkham Edition::..

C156 [Character]
(coût: 4) (compétence: 3)
Fast. Toughness +1.
He would have screamed, but that his throat had been seared away.

Shane Watson

Freelance Occultist

..::Arkham Edition::..

C007 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 2)
He mopped the sweat off his brow and replaced his handkerchief. "You know, it's not really all done with mirrors."

Patrick McEvoy

Freelance Reporter

..::Arkham Edition::..

C064 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 2)
She didn't want to cover the story at first. But after the second body was found and the police stopped talking, she decided to accept Harrington's offer after all.

Steve Ellis

Hardboiled Detective

..::Arkham Edition::..

C010 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 2)
Heroic. Fast. Loyal.
Hank was different after his time in the military. He talked less, drank more, and always asked for the tough assignments.

Roberto Marchesi

Helpless, Hopeless, and Doomed

..::Arkham Edition::..

C107 [Event]
(coût: 2)
Action: destroy all Attachment cards.
There was nothing left even to burn or bury.
Thomas Denmark

Hired Muscle

..::Arkham Edition::..

C011 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 3)
Toughness +1.
"I work for Harvey Blackwood," he grunted.
"Harvey's gone, but I'm his son. You want to work for the Blackwood Agency, you can work for me."

Steve Ellis

Horrid Mutation

..::Arkham Edition::..

C202 [Event]
(coût: 1)
Action: Until the end of the phase, each committed character you control gains a icon.
Her beauty gave me strength. I felt the swelling of love in my chest, like a new-born life.
Linda Bergkvist

Hungry Dark Young

..::Arkham Edition::..

C187 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 2)
Servitor. Dark Young.
Response: after Hungry Dark Young enters play, put into play from your hand or discard pile a character with printed cost 2 or lower.

Shane Watson

Independence Square

..::Arkham Edition::..

C227 [Support]
(coût: 3)
Action: exhaust and pay 2 to attach the top card of your deck to one of your Domains as a resource.
Gerardo Garza

Inside Information

..::Arkham Edition::..

C212 [Event]
(coût: 2)
Action: Choose a story. Until the end of the phase, that story loses a struggle icon of your choice.
Glen Ostrander


..::Arkham Edition::..

C080 [Event]
(coût: 1)
Action: choose and exhaust a non-Ancient One character.
Kory Heinzen

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