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Arkham Edition [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
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Asylum Pack - Kingsport Dreams [par titre | rareté | type | faction | numéro ]
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Arkham Edition

O'Bannion Enforcer

..::Arkham Edition::..

C069 [Character]
(coût: 4) (compétence: 3)
Action: pay 2 to give O'Bannion Enforcer until the end of the phase.

Anders Finer

Clover Club Bouncer

..::Arkham Edition::..

C061 [Character]
(coût: 1) (compétence: 1)
Action: exhaust to choose a character. Until the end of the phase, that character gets -1 skill.
Patrick McEvoy

Academy Patron

..::Arkham Edition::..

C122 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 1)
Action: exhaust to choose and ready a character.
Guy Gentry

Byakhee Servant

..::Arkham Edition::..

U123 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 3)
On the roof they discovered a puddle of a bilious liquid, as if something had perched there, dripping its putrescence, all though the night.

Tyler Walpole

Adult Chthonian

..::Arkham Edition::..

C182 [Character]
(coût: 5) (compétence: 6)
Toughness +3.
Again the stone shuddered. "For the love of God, get out!" screamed Erickson. "It's here!" The basement floor erupted, and I fled.

James Ryman

Shambling Zombie

..::Arkham Edition::..

C163 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 2)
"They are life without mind," explained the old man. "They are the reminder of our inevitable fate, walking abroad."

Steve Ellis

Blackwood Detective

..::Arkham Edition::..

U004 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 3)
While it is Day, Blackwood Detective gains .
Norman pored over his father's notes for weeks, searching for clues to his disappearance. What he found made him wish he'd never come home.

Katherine Dinger

Blackwood Associate

..::Arkham Edition::..

C003 [Character]
(coût: 1) (compétence: 1)
He rubbed his swollen knuckles and tried to forget the thing in the sewers. No such luck. he poured another drink.

Steve Ellis

Blackwood File Clerk

..::Arkham Edition::..

C005 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 3)
"Didn't you used to work at city hall?" asked Norman.
"Used to," she said, and gave him a look that told him she didn't want to talk about it.

Katherine Dinger

Bloated Star Vampire

..::Arkham Edition::..

U152 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 4)
Her screech still rang in my ears; But even worse had been the soft pat-pat-pat of her blood, as it dripped from those hideous mouths.

Matt Dixon

Adult Deep One

..::Arkham Edition::..

U092 [Character]
(coût: 3) (compétence: 1)
Deep One.
Disrupt: pay 2 to cancel a card effect that chooses Adult Deep One as a target.

Rob Thomas

Rare Book Researcher

..::Arkham Edition::..

C040 [Character]
(coût: 4) (compétence: 3)
Rare Book Researcher gets +1 skill for each Tome card you control.

Patrick McEvoy

Render of Veils

..::Arkham Edition::..

C160 [Character]
(coût: 1) (compétence: 1)
Speak the words and howl the rites at their seasons. In the darkness invoke the Name and ye shall be the next day delivered.

Chris Dien

Beat Cop

..::Arkham Edition::..

U002 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 2)
Action: pay 2 to choose and exhaust a Location card.

Kyri Koniotou

Daughter of the Goat

..::Arkham Edition::..

C184 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 2)
His wife, he told me, would often not come home at night, but the next morning would return wild-eyed, smelling of earth and the pungent scent of beasts.

Linda Bergkvist

Degenerate Ghoul

..::Arkham Edition::..

C185 [Character]
(coût: 1)
We had disturbed something with our light. I caught a glimpse of a rubbery, canine face-and then the thing was gone, with a scuttle of bones and a heavy thump as poor Martin's body hit the floor.

Thomas Denmark

Strange Librarian

..::Arkham Edition::..

C041 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 1)
Action: exhaust to look at the top 3 cards of any player's deck. Put one of those card on the bottom of his deck, and the other two back on top in any order.

Sedone Thongvilay

Disciple of the Gate

..::Arkham Edition::..

C154 [Character]
(coût: 2)
X is at all times equal to the number of characters in play.

Chris Dien

Discreet Physician

..::Arkham Edition::..

C063 [Character]
(coût: 2) (compétence: 1)
Action: exhaust to choose a character. Until the end of the phase, that character gains an icon.
Anders Finer

Elder Shoggoth

..::Arkham Edition::..

C094 [Character]
(coût: 4) (compétence: 3)

Guy Gentry

Young Deep One

..::Arkham Edition::..

C103 [Character]
(coût: 2)
Deep One.
Too many of the town's inhabitants seemed to hunch unnaturally within their coats, or shuffle too slowly down the street, as if unused to such a method of movement.

Tyler Walpole

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