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La liste complète de toutes les cartes Mythos

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Raretés: C=courante - U=inhabituelle - R=rare
Collections: Base=Jeu de base - R1=Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic - R2=Le Réveil de Cthulhu - R3=Légendes du Necronomicon - CI=carte d'Investigateur

Toutes les cartes

Jeu de base [par titre | rareté | type ]
Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic [par titre | rareté | type ]
Le Réveil de Cthulhu [par titre | rareté | type ]
Légendes du Necronomicon [par titre | rareté | type ]
Dreamlands [par titre | rareté | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck) [par titre | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck) [par titre | type ]
New Aeon [par titre | rareté | type ]

Cartes d'Investigateur [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (MSGS) [par titre ]

Nom de la carte


..::Le Réveil de Cthulhu::..
Ile, Lune Croissante

U018 [Monstre]
Dans sa demeure de R'lyeh la morte Cthulhu rêve et attend.
- H.P.Lovecraft, L'Appel de Cthulhu
Tous les Monstres peuvent s'associer entre eux. Aucun Investigateur ne peut gagner de SAN.
Lee Gibbons

Cthulhu For President

..::New Aeon::..
Affects Great Old Ones & Outer Gods

U079 [Event]
The Stars Are Right. Bury all Star Events in play. If a card is played that would Bury a GOO Bury this card instead. You may Bury this card instad of rotating or Burying a GOO at the end of the Round.
Lee Gibbons

Cthulhu Rising

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Story Deck

028 [Event]
Your opponent must Discard his or her Current Location if it features the Water attribute, otherwise Bury it. Then, Bury this card.
Nick Smith

Cthulhu Statuette

..::New Aeon::..
Affects Combat

C131 [Artifact]
Time and Space become irrelevant. Costs 1 Sanity point to use. May only be used during Combat. Change the nature of one Ally in Combat. If not Defending may now become a Defending Ally. If already Defending may become non-Defending, or may Defend against a different Directed Threat.
Alan M. Clark

Cultes des Goules

..::Jeu de base::..

C043 [Grimoire]
Aussi longtemps que ce Grimoire reste en jeu, augmentez de 1 point la valeur totale de votre Menace si elle comprend au moins un Mort-Vivant.
Scott M. Fischer

Cultes Innommables Ed. Bridewell

..::Jeu de base::..

C044 [Grimoire]
Première édition anglaise du Unaussprechlichen Kulten parue en 1845. Une traduction grossière et pleine d'inexactitudes.
Barry Chambers

Cultes Innommables Ed. Golden Goblin

..::Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic::..

C014 [Grimoire]
Version très édulcorée de l'Unaussprechlichen Kulten de Von Juntz, cette publication new-yorkaise de 1909 est bien moins épaisse que l'édition Bridewell qui lui est antérieure.
Roger Raupp

Cultus Maleficarum


R145 [Tome]
Known popularly as the Sussex Manuscript, this is a garbled, partial translation of the Latin Necronomicon, privately printed by the eccentric Baron Frederick of Sussex in 1597. Less than 100 copies are said to have been made.
Barry Chambers


..::New Aeon::..
Space, Country, Underground, Artifact, Tome

R030 [Location]
Saturn: May play this card in any Dimension; assumes Dimension Indicator of previous Current Location. Beginning each Turn you must be able to survive in Space or lose 5 Sanity points. Increase the value of your Formless Spawn by one point. This card also fulfills the Blackout requirement for playing Tsathoggua.
Anthony S. Waters

Dark Horse

..::New Aeon::..

U199 [Adventure]
This election, you'll help your candidate any way you can. You slip an IRS AUDITOR incriminating evidence on your opponent and fan MEDIA HYPERBOLE to paint a DISTURBING PORTRAIT of him. You summon a HOUND OF TINDALOS to eliminate his campaign team and your agents, the MEN IN BLACK, fill their places. Onboard the 747, you accompany your candidate to campaign stops in THREE different SUBREGIONS. In the end, you'll vote CTHULHU FOR PRESIDENT. Why settle for the lesser evil.

Dark Young

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..

031 [Monster]
These creatures are Invisible if your opponent is in a Forested location. Joins Dark Young.
Tom Sullivan

Darkness of the Void

..::New Aeon::..
Affects All Investigators

R159 [Spell]
It is now Night. Place this card in Event area. Bury any Day, Night, Storm, or Drought Events in play. Day Events may not be played. Bury this card if any Night Event is played.
Thomas M. Baxa

Dawn Biozyme Research Lab

..::New Aeon::..
City, Government, Artifact

C035 [Location]
Founded in 1985, this corporation specializes in genetically-engineered agricultural agents.
Alan M. Clark

Dawn of the Solstice

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects All Investigators

026 [Event]
This is a Solstice card. It is now Day. Bury any Day or Night Event in play.
Sam Shirley

Day the Sun Stood Still

..::New Aeon::..

C170 [Adventure]
The world can change in the BLINK OF AN EYE, especially with help from someone like you. A premonition alerted you to an UNEXPECTED ECLIPSE, visible only from THREE different COUNTRY LOCATIONS. You have long awaited this moment! Searching through the ZANTHU TABLETS you learn how to CALL THE UNNAMED ONE to loose Ye Liveliest Awfullness (a MONSTER) upon the rest of the world.


..::New Aeon::..
Affects All Investigators

C078 [Event]
The alarm rings-you hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.
It is now Day. Bury any Day or Night Event in Play. Flip one chosen Ally of one Opponent.
Stephen King

Days of Wine and Roses


R107 [Adventure]
The roses were blooming by the HOUSE LOCATION in Kingsport when you first noticed the SUN SPOTS. As if in a dream you traveled to the HARBOR OF CELEPHAIS, where you played the LUTE OF OONAI and drank the WINE OF PNOTH. But alas, with EVENING comes sorrow, and you lost your beloved STEADFAST ALLY to the AWFUL DOOM OF CERRIT.

DBZ Spacelab

..::New Aeon::..
Space, Town, Port, Artifact, Tome

U034 [Location]
Space Station. Your Investigator automatically survives in Space at this Location. You may play this card immediately after playing Shuttle Icarus. You may walk to Tycho Base.
Doug Chaffee

De Vermiis Mysteriis

..::Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic::..

R015 [Grimoire]
Peu avant de périr entre les mains de l'Inquisition en 1542, le célèbre sorcier Ludvig Prinn se débrouilla pour faire sortir son Mystères des Vers de sa cellule.
Andrew T. Kalichack

Découverte d'une Cache Secrète

..::Jeu de base::..
Affecte Votre Investigateur

U045 [Evénement]
Jouez immédiatement un Artéfact ou un Grimoire sans tenir compte des attributs du Lieu dans lequel se trouve votre Investigateur. Celui-ci, ou l'un de ses Alliés, doit néanmoins connaître la langue requise. Enterrez la présente carte après usage.
Thomas Garrett Adams

Deep One

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..

035 [Monster]
Add 2 points to the value of this card if any Storm Event is in play. Joins Deep Ones.
Heather McKinney

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