TocCyclopédie ■ Époques

Toutes les cartes

Jeu de base [par titre | rareté | type ]
Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic [par titre | rareté | type ]
Le Réveil de Cthulhu [par titre | rareté | type ]
Légendes du Necronomicon [par titre | rareté | type ]
Dreamlands [par titre | rareté | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck) [par titre | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck) [par titre | type ]
New Aeon [par titre | rareté | type ]

Cartes d'Investigateur [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (MSGS) [par titre ]

Nom de la carte


Idol of Bokrug

Affects Your Investigator

C035 [Artifact]
This Artifact has constant effect. Your Investigator is able to Breathe Underwater. Bury this card to keep Bokrug in play for an additional round.
Lissanne Lake


Affects Opponent's Investigator

C022 [Event]
Fear of Speed. Lose 1 Sanity point each time you play a Travel Event.
Justin Hampton

Ship of Clouds

Affects Your Investigator

C021 [Event]
Immediately play a new Location card in a different Region, right-side up on top of your Story Deck. May not play a Location within the same Region.
Mark Poole

Sky Galleon


C020 [Event]
On a following turn play a new Location card in either the same or a different Region (including Space), right-side-up on top of your Story Deck.
Douglas Shuler

Monolith of Ib

Affects Your Tomes

C038 [Artifact]
This Artifact has constant effect. All Tomes featuring the Folk icon may hold one additional Folk Spell. If this card is lost, Bury all extra Folk Spells (your choice).
Strephon Taylor

Wine of Pnoth

Affects an Ally

C041 [Artifact]
Give this card to an Ally in play. This card adds the Dreamer attribute to that Ally.
Roger Raupp

Sun Spots

Affects All Investigators

C024 [Event]
It is now Day. Bury any Day or Night Event in play. Bury all Star Events in play.
Lee Moyer

Crystal Sword

Affects Ally's Value

C036 [Artifact]
If the Ally bearing the Crystal Sword opposes an opponent's Defending or Assaulting Allies, Flip one random Corrupt Ally of opponent before resolving Combat.
Edward P. Beard Jr.

Lunar Eclipse

Affect All Investigators

C015 [Event]
It is now night. Bury any Day or Night Event in play. All Living Dead Allies add 1 point to their value.
Dennis Detwiller

Thag Weed

Affects Your Investigator

C042 [Artifact]
This Artifact has constant effect. Your investigator is able to survive in Space. Burn (Bury) Thag Weed to give all your Allies the Dreamer attribute for the remainder of the round.
John Snyder


Affects Opponent's Investigator

C001 [Event]
Fear of things falling off buildings and hitting you. 1 point of Sanity at the beginning of each Turn that your Current Location features the City attribute.

Stephen King

City of Gugs

City, Lair, Underground

C048 [Location]
You may use this Gate to Summon one Gug and immediately attack with it. Opponent may defend with Allies but not use Spells or Artifacts.
Paul Prof Herbert


Affects Your Investigator

C028 [Event]
Immediately play a new Location card in the same Region right-side-up on top of your Story Deck.
Michael Kucharski


Affects All Investigators

C009 [Event]
No Travel by Land Events may be played while this card is in play. Bury this card if any Day or Night Event is played. Does not affect Travel Events in play.
Stephen King


Affects All Investigators

C030 [Event]
Replace all Travel by Air cards with the Location card closest to the bottom of the Story Deck, right-side-up. Ignore revealed Sanity gain/loss. No Travel by Air Events may be played. Bury Twister if any Day or Night Event is played.
Heather McKinney

Elephant Caravan

Affects Your Investigator

C007 [Event]
On a following turn, play a new Location card in the same Region, right-side-up on top of your Story Deck. Remain with the Elephant Caravan for a Turn to play one Tome or Artifact card (only one card per Elephant Caravan).
Heather Hudson

Basalt Pillars of the West

Island, Site

C045 [Location]
You may walk to Splendid Cathuria, the Far Side of the Moon, or any Space Location.
Michael Kimble

Great Abyss

Country, Site, Underground, Artifact

C049 [Location]
On a following Turn you may play Sarkomand right-side-up on top of your Story Deck.
Lee Moyer

The Silver Key

Affects Travel Between Dimensions

C037 [Artifact]
Use a Gate to walk to any Location (except Exotic) in another Dimension. Flip this card when used.
Alan M. Clarke


Affects All Investigators

C003 [Event]
Bury all Star Events in play. While in play, the Spell capacity of Tomes increases by one. These extra Spells remain if this card is Buried.
Dennis Detwiller

Angry Zoogs

Affects Opponent's Investigator

C002 [Event]
Investigator with the highest Sanity (high Education if tied) must either Bury all Allies in play lacking the Dreamer attribute or spend 3 points of Sanity to keep them all in play.
Mark Ferrari

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