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Jeu de base [par titre | rareté | type ]
Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic [par titre | rareté | type ]
Le Réveil de Cthulhu [par titre | rareté | type ]
Légendes du Necronomicon [par titre | rareté | type ]
Dreamlands [par titre | rareté | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck) [par titre | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck) [par titre | type ]
New Aeon [par titre | rareté | type ]

Cartes d'Investigateur [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (MSGS) [par titre ]

Nom de la carte

Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)

Questionable Judgement

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..

047 [Adventure]
It all began in a boring LIBRARY. All those books waiting to be sorted. There must be a better way… but wait … that musty TOME. Wow, is it old! It reveals TWO GATE LOCATIONS (in DIFFERENT CITIES) where one can summon a MONSTER. The tome also contains a blasphemous SPELL, completing the training of a new CORRUPT CULTIST.

Alone in the World

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..

049 [Adventure]
Some people are paranoid to PHOBIA levels. They carry a WEAPON and are always afraid of an AMBUSH. Skulking about in CEMETERY LOCATIONS (TWO DIFFERENT CARDS) they often become CORRUPT CULTISTs and summon blasphemous horrors, such as the SERVITOR OF THE OUTER GODS, in THE FORGOTTEN CRYPT.

The Price

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..

050 [Adventure]
By summoning a SERVITOR MONSTER, a CORRUPT CULTIST captures a STEADFAST ALLY from a KINSGPORT LOCATION. Taking him to dark N'KAI, the Cultist uses an ENCHANTED KNIFE for his unspeakable ceremony. From the smoke of burning incense, ancient TULZSCHA is brought forth.

Whispers in Darkness

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..

051 [Adventure]
The letter came from HENRY W. AKELEY. His tales were corroborated by the strange TOME and SPEECH MACHINE in his package. Traveling by CAR to the LONELY AKELEY FARMHOUSE revealed strange buzzing sounds from the building. Inside, Henry was conversing with N'GAH-KTHUN, planning a GOVERNMENTAL COVER-UP.

Dr. Allen

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Corrupt Cultist. Knows English & Glyphs

002 [Ally]
Can know any one Spell. Bury Spell in your Story Deck after it is cast. Joins Gomes.
Thomas Garrett Adams


..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Corrupt Cultist. Knows No Languages

001 [Ally]
While this card is in play, subtract one from the Minimum number of cards that you keep in your Hand. Not cumulative with other Allies that lower your Minimum. Joins Dr. Allen.
Heather McKinney

Squire Sawyer Whateley

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Steadfast Gentleman. Knows English

006 [Ally]
While this card is in play, add one to the Maximum number of cards that you may keep in your hand. Cumulative with other Allies that raise your Maximum.
Thomas Garrett Adams

Miss Anna Tilton

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Steadfast Friend. Knows English

005 [Ally]
While this card is in play, on a later turn you may assign to Miss Anna Tilton, curator of the Historical Society, one Artifact card at any Location. This Artifact remains with Anna and suffers any fate that Anna suffers. The Artifact may be replaced with another, if lost.
Earl Geier

Ray Stuckey

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Corrupt Police Detective. Knows English

004 [Ally]
Protection from Police Investigation and from cards that cause you to lose Artifacts and Tomes. At the moment that you would lose an Artifact or Tome, you may choose to Bury this card instead. Your opponent must then Bury his or her card.
Mike Kellner

Henry W. Akeley

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Corrupt Cultist & Scholar. Knows English, Greek & Glyphs

003 [Ally]
Add 1 point to the value of this card whenever you have a Country Location as the top card of your Story Deck.
Heather McKinney

The Two Scepters

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Ally's Value

041 [Artifact]
As long as the wielder is chosen as a Defending Ally, he raises the card value of all other Corrupt Defending Allies by 1 point per card. Not cumulative with another Ally's Command Ability.
Chris Adams

.32 Revolver

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Ally's Value

037 [Artifact]
Add 2 points to Ally's value. One Weapon per Ally. If Ally is Discarded or Buried, this revolver suffers the same fate.
"He usually finished his experiments with a revolver."
- H.P.Lovecraft, Herbert West, Reanimator
Tom Sullivan

Enchanted Knife

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Ally's Value

040 [Artifact]
Add 1 point to Ally's value. One Weapon per Ally. If Ally is Discarded or Buried, this Weapon suffers the same fate.
Thomas Garrett Adams

Speech Machine

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Your Threat and Allies

042 [Artifact]
This Artifact has constant effect. While this card is in play, increase the value of all your Mi-Go and Mi-Go Leaders by 1 point each.
Heather McKinney


..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Your Investigator

023 [Event]
Play this card and immediatly play a new Location card in the same Region right-side-up on top of your Story Deck.
Stephen King


..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Allies

024 [Event]
Your opponent must Flip all Allies face-down. Any other Investigators who are in the same subregion as the target are similarly affected.
Michael Powell


..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Investigator

025 [Event]
Fear of Success. Lose 2 Sanity points each time an Adventure card is played while this card is in play.
Tom Sullivan

Dawn of the Solstice

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects All Investigators

026 [Event]
This is a Solstice card. It is now Day. Bury any Day or Night Event in play.
Sam Shirley

Succumb to Temptation

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Steadfast Ally

030 [Event]
A random Steadfast Ally of the chosen opponent goes mad. That Ally immediately attacks his or her Investigator (unaffected Allies of that opponent may Defend). Then, Bury this card and return the affected Ally to that Investigator's side.
Heather McKinney

Governmental Cover-Up

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Story Deck

027 [Event]
It never happened! When played on your opponent, you may force him or her to Discard the Event closest to the bottom of his or her Story Deck.
Thomas Garrett Adams


..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..
Affects Opponent's Investigator

028 [Event]
Fear of Gates. At the beginning of your Turn, lose 1 Sanity point if your Current Location features the Gate attribute.
Lee Gibbons

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