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La liste complète de toutes les cartes Mythos

(version imprimable en PDF + version Microsoft Excel)

Raretés: C=courante - U=inhabituelle - R=rare
Collections: Base=Jeu de base - R1=Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic - R2=Le Réveil de Cthulhu - R3=Légendes du Necronomicon - CI=carte d'Investigateur

Toutes les cartes

Jeu de base [par titre | rareté | type ]
Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic [par titre | rareté | type ]
Le Réveil de Cthulhu [par titre | rareté | type ]
Légendes du Necronomicon [par titre | rareté | type ]
Dreamlands [par titre | rareté | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck) [par titre | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck) [par titre | type ]
New Aeon [par titre | rareté | type ]

Cartes d'Investigateur [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (MSGS) [par titre ]

Nom de la carte

The Hunter

Steadfast Adventurer. Knows English

U139 [Ally]
You may Bury The Hunter instead of paying the Sanity cost for playing one Monster card to your Threat.
Mark Jackson

The Internet

..::New Aeon::..

C154 [Tome]
If you also have Laptop Computer in play, add 1 point to this card's value (randomly lose spell if Laptop is lost). Joins with Laptop Computer at Artifact/Tome Locations, even if you do not currently know Binary.
Sam Shirley

The King of Ilek-Vad

Steadfast King. Knows English & Hyperborean

U144 [Ally]
To play this card you must also Bury Randolph Carter; you may not play Carter while you have the King of Ilek-Vad in play. Flip this card face-down to draw two new cards from the top of your Mythos deck.
Roger Raupp

The Mall

..::New Aeon::..
City, Site

C065 [Location]
Designed by Pierre-Charles L'Enfant and completed in 1791 as a broad avenue in the manner of the Champs Elysées in Paris.
Lee Moyer

The Market-Place

City, Business, Artifact

C082 [Location]
All Merchant Allies add 1 point to their value while this is your Current Location.
Jeff Menges

The Martin's Beach Monster

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..

039 [Monster]
Able to paralyze victims. When Directed Threat is revealed, randomly choose two of your opponent's Allies (Defending or not) and Flip cards face-down.
Heather McKinney

The Meow Ceremony


C120 [Adventure]
Catastrophe! Who's been killing the CATS OF ULTHAR? Who left that corpse at THE MARKET-PLACE, or the other at THE WHITE WHALE INN? Is it the hated CAT FROM SATURN, as some suggest? The CAT CHIEFTAN calls a meeting of all cats, and they converge upon the HOVEL OF THE CAT HATERS, putting an end to this horror with the PETITION OF MENES.

The Mystery at Martin's Beach

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..

050 [Adventure]
There is a big party for a STEADFAST ALLY at MARTIN'S BEACH, but it ends in horror when THE MARTIN'S BEACH MONSTER rises from the bowels of the sea. All those present develop a terrible PHOBIA. They must now regularly take DR HAMMOND'S NERVE & BRAIN TABLETS to stop their nightmares of CTHULHU RISING.

The Nameless Lake

Country, Site

R087 [Location]
When this becomes your Current Location, each opponent reveals the top card of his or her Mythos Deck; you add or subract the Sanity cost for every card revealed. Discard revealed cards.
Stephen King

The Necronomicon Dreamlands Edition


U156 [Tome]
This card may be found at an Exotic Location only. You may walk between the Waking World and the Dreamlands as if they were in the same Region.
Barry Chambers

The Old Gibbet

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck)::..
Country, Site, Artifact

018 [Location]
Not quite a mile out of town, alongside Hangman's Road. A small marble obelisk marks the spot. A bronze plaque on the stone tells the story of a witch-scare in Kingsport in 1692. Thirteen witches were hanged.
Thomas Garrett Adams

The Onyx Temple

City, Temple

U086 [Location]
Make an appropriate sacrifice! Discard 1 random card from your hand. Remain here for one additional Turn and Discard 1 random card from your hand for each Phobia affecting your Investigator you wish to Bury.
KC Lancaster

The Opal Throne

City, Palace, Artifact

C085 [Location]
"It is rumored in Ulthar, beyond the river Skai, that a new king reigns on the opal throne in Ilek-Vad..."
- H.P.Lovecraft, The Silver Key
Mark Jackson

The Palace of Seventy Delights

City, Palace

R090 [Location]
For each Turn that you remain here you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Jeff Menges

The Price

..::Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck)::..

050 [Adventure]
By summoning a SERVITOR MONSTER, a CORRUPT CULTIST captures a STEADFAST ALLY from a KINSGPORT LOCATION. Taking him to dark N'KAI, the Cultist uses an ENCHANTED KNIFE for his unspeakable ceremony. From the smoke of burning incense, ancient TULZSCHA is brought forth.

The Ruins of Ib

Country, Ruins, Artifact

C089 [Location]
Add 1 point to the value of each Being of Ib or Ghost-Being of Ib while this is your Current Location.
Heather McKinney

The Ruins of Sarnath

Country, Ruins, Artifact, Tome

C088 [Location]
"Where once had risen walls of 300 cubits and towers yet higher, now stretched only the marshy shore, and where once had dwelt fifty millions of men now crawled only the detestable green water-lizard."
- H.P.Lovecraft, The Doom That Came to Sarnath
Scott Kirschner

The Silver Key

Affects Travel Between Dimensions

C037 [Artifact]
Use a Gate to walk to any Location (except Exotic) in another Dimension. Flip this card when used.
Alan M. Clarke

The Snake-Den

Country, Site, Underground

C093 [Location]
You may use this gate to play Dreamlands Monsters to your Threat.
Jason Voss

The Sorcerer's Apprentice


R119 [Adventure]
You should never have messed with the Master's TOME! How could you know that the SPELL would sweep you away to THE ENCHANTED WOOD? You may never have escaped those dancing mushrooms if the pink ELEPHANT CARAVAN hadn't shown up. Just when you thought you were safe tittering NIGHTGAUNTS carried you off to the PEAKS OF THOK. There a giant demon reveled amongst the flames threatening a nearby TOWN. If it were not for the monks of the TEMPLE OF LOVELINESS you would never again have seen the light of DAY.

The Stars are Right

Affects Playing Great Old Ones and Outer Gods

U026 [Event]
Bury any Star Event in play. You may use opponent's Event cards currently in play to meet conditions required to summon a Great Old One or Outer God.
Andrew T. Kalichak

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