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Jeu de base [par titre | rareté | type ]
Expéditions de l'Université de Miskatonic [par titre | rareté | type ]
Le Réveil de Cthulhu [par titre | rareté | type ]
Légendes du Necronomicon [par titre | rareté | type ]
Dreamlands [par titre | rareté | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (corrupt deck) [par titre | type ]
Mythos Standard Game Set (steadfast deck) [par titre | type ]
New Aeon [par titre | rareté | type ]

Cartes d'Investigateur [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (DreamLands) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (New Aeon) [par titre ]
Cartes d'Investigateur (MSGS) [par titre ]

Nom de la carte

New Aeon

Henri Zann

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Artist. Knows French & Glyphs

R011 [Ally]
Though his musician grandfather, Erich, disappeared mysteriously many years ago, Henri continues to explore the strange effect his art has on its viewers.
Douglas Shuler

Brother of the Yellow Sign

..::New Aeon::..
Corrupt Cultist & Artist. Knows French, Italian & German

C002 [Ally]
Can know two Yellow Sign Spells; can know any Spell otherwise. Bury Spell after it is cast.
Randy Asplund-Faith

Alex Cordry

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Explorer. Knows English & Binary

R003 [Ally]
About 10 years old and parentless, surviving on the streets for years. Bears an unusually direct and candid gaze, and an eye for the truth. Alex Cordry can join with any one Steadfast Ally.
Mark Jackson

G.G. D'Arn

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Reporter. Knows French, Chinese & English

R004 [Ally]
Legendary newswoman. Found journalism through obscure gaming magazines. Sarcasm and satire are her hallmarks.
Heather McKinney

Dr. Carlos MacDonald

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Doctor. Knows English

U005 [Ally]
This Doctor and one Ally of your choice are excluded when determing the results of an Epidemic.
Joel Maurer

Dr. Carl Jung

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Doctor. Knows German

R006 [Ally]
Born 1875, Died 1961. A Swiss psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology. Can be played at either Waking World or New Aeon Locations. You may Bury a Phobia in the same Turn that a Sanitarium becomes your Current Location.
Susan Van Camp

Howard Lovecraft

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Author & Scientist. Knows English, Binary & Hyperborean

C007 [Ally]
Virtual Howard. Bury any Howard Lovecraft currently in play, for all Investigators.
Dave Carson

Haz-Mat Team

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Worker. Knows English

C008 [Ally]
Cleaning up the hazardous messes of others.
Add 2 points to the value of this card when your Current Location has the government attribute.
Scott Kirschner

Giovanni Angellis

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Police Detective. Knows Italian & English

C009 [Ally]
INTERPOL Agent. Add 1 point to the value of this card if there are Corrupt Allies among those opposing him in Combat.
Bryon Wackwitz

High Priest of Elvis

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Cultist. Knows English & Atlantean

R010 [Ally]
Old Gods Never Die !
Play only at an Exotic Location. Bury this card to choose one Great Old One or Outer God from your Story Deck and immediately play it.
Roger Raupp

Delta Green, Alpha Squad

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Soldier. Knows English

R001 [Ally]
Members of a super-secret Government agency. Its members are drawn from the FBI, CIA, and other department. Joins with Weapons at Artifact Locations.

Dennis Detwiller

Napoleon Whateley

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Police Detective. Knows English

C012 [Ally]
Federal Agent. Protection from Alien Abduction and from cards that cause you to lose Artifacts and Tomes. At the moment that you would lose an Artifact or Tome, you may chose to Bury this card instead. Your opponent must then Bury his or her card.
Stephen King

Johnny Booger

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Musician. Knows English, French & German

C013 [Ally]
"He knew too little, saw too much
No escaping the nightmare's clutch-Evil in the guise of man,
Child of the deep sea's clan..."
- Johnny Booger
Roger Raupp

Joe Schienfeld

..::New Aeon::..
Corrupt Entertainer. Knows English

R014 [Ally]
Caustic, rude, obnoxious-and a classic snoop. As your Turn, you may Discard two cards from your Hand and draw a new card from the top of your Mythos Deck.
Jeff Menges

Patricia Bridgitte Jodoin

..::New Aeon::..
Corrupt Dreamer & Occultist. Knows French & Glyphs

C015 [Ally]
Contactee. While this card is in play, you may use a Gate to play Men In Black as Allies.
Lissanne Lake

Ozzy Orne

..::New Aeon::..
Corrupt Cultist & Musician. Living Dead. Knows English

C016 [Ally]
His message of despair is unsubtle and discordant-belying his rumored ancestry. Can know one spell. Bury spell after it is cast.
Lee Moyer

Nikola Tesla

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Inventor & Scientist. Knows English & German

C017 [Ally]
Born in Croatia in 1856, Died 1943. Play in either the Waking World or New Aeon. At an Artifact Gate Location you may place an Artifact from any Dimension beneath this card. If this card is lost, the Artifact suffers the same fate. The Artifact can be replaced with another, if lost.
Joel Maurer

Robert Bloch

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Author. Knows English & Atlantean

U018 [Ally]
Born 1917, Died 1994.
A correspondent of H.P.Lovecraft and author of Psycho and Mysteries of the Worm over a 65-year writing career.
Edward P. Beard Jr.

Reverend Baxter Lully

..::New Aeon::..
Corrupt Cultist & Priest. Knows English & Latin

C019 [Ally]
Flip this card to give your Current Location the Church attribute. During each additional Turn that you remain in this Location and that Reverend Baxter Lully remains Flipped, you may Bury one Phobia affecting your Investigator.
Anthony Hightower

Professor L.N. Isinwyll

..::New Aeon::..
Steadfast Professor & Dreamer. Knows English, Latin & Glyphs

C020 [Ally]
A valued member of the Miskatonic University staff; author of many books and papers covering diverse aspects of the occult and the Mythos.
Roger Raupp


..::New Aeon::..
Corrupt Worker. Knows Binary

U021 [Ally]
Experimental Robot. Toodee-6 can see Invisible Monsters, can not be given Weapons, and is immune to Epidemics. Bury Toodee-6 during Combat only if it takes its full card value in Sanity loss.
Nick Smith

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